Pfeffer Chiropractic & Concussion Clinic, PA


Summer Tips to Protect Your Eyes

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Summer brings long, sunny days perfect for outdoor activities. However, it also poses risks to our eye health. From the intense UV rays to the increased exposure to environmental elements, summer can be particularly harsh on our eyes. While maintaining good eye health year-round is essential, here are some specific summer tips to protect your eyes during the warmer months.

Summer Rays

During the summer, the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays are at their peak intensity. Prolonged exposure to these rays can cause considerable damage to the eyes, leading to conditions including:

Cataracts: These are clouding of the eye’s lens, which can impair vision.
Macular Degeneration: This is damage to the retina that can result in loss of central vision.
Photokeratitis: A painful, temporary condition like sunburn of the eye.
Pterygium: A growth on the white part of the eye that can interfere with vision.

Protect Yourself

Hitting the hiking trails, the beach, and the local pool are among the joys of summer. But outdoor activities such as those expose our eyes to other elements like dust, sand, and chlorine, all of which can cause irritation or injury.

Take care of yourself this summer with these tips to protect your eyes.

Wear sunglasses with UV protection. Choose sunglasses that block 100% of both UVA and UVB rays. Wraparound styles have gained popularlity and are particularly effective as they prevent UV rays from entering from the sides.
Wear hats and caps. Not just stylish, wearing a wide-brimmed hat or cap can provide extra protection by blocking out up to 50% of UV rays that reach the eyes.
Stay hydrated. That’s right! Proper hydration is essential for maintaining healthy eyes and preventing dry eye syndrome. Be extra careful when the weather is warm to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Wear protective eyewear. Something in your eye is annoying, painful, and can have serious consequences. When engaging in sports or activities where debris or chemicals could get into your eyes (such as swimming or mowing the lawn), use appropriate protective eyewear.
Avoid direct sunlight. Whenever possible, seek shade or limit your exposure to direct sunlight, especially during peak hours (10 AM to 4 PM).
Maintain a healthy diet. That’s right. The siren’s song of the ice cream truck might be tempting but remember that foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E, zinc, and lutein (e.g., leafy greens, fish, eggs, nuts) support eye health.
Practice the 20-20-20 rule. Year round remember to reduce eye strain from screens, every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away.
Use adequate lighting. Even the summer sun sets! Ensure your home and workplace have sufficient lighting to avoid eye strain when reading or working.

Your Lifestyle

Being sure to protect your eyes is clearly part of your ideal 100 Year Lifestyle. Whether you want to watch the sunset or see your children or grandchildren enjoying the great outdoors, healthy eyes are part of healthy longevity, and we can all do something to take good care of ours.

While you’re enjoying all the outdoor activities that the summer has to offer, remember that the intensity of your lifestyle determines the intensity of your lifestyle care. If you’re playing hard this summer, make sure you’re also spending some quality time with your 100 Year Lifestyle chiropractor. No one can keep your spine and nervous system healthy like they can! Here’s to summer!


The post Summer Tips to Protect Your Eyes appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.

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